3 research outputs found

    Efficient Refinement Checking in VCC

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    We propose a methodology for carrying out refinement proofs across declarative abstract models and concrete implementations in C, using the VCC verification tool. The main idea is to first perform a systematic translation from the top-level abstract model to a ghost implementation in VCC. Subsequent refinement proofs between successively refined abstract models and between abstract and concrete implementations are carried out in VCC. We propose an efficient technique to carry out these refinement checks in VCC. We illustrate our methodology with a case study in which we verify a simplified C implementation of an RTOS scheduler, with respect to its abstract Z specification. Overall, our methodology leads to efficient and automatic refinement proofs for complex systems that would typically be beyond the capability of tools such as Z/Eves or Rodin

    Conflict-Tolerant Real-time Specifications in Metric Temporal Logic

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    A framework based on the notion of “conflict-tolerance ” was proposed in [3, 4] as a compositional methodology for developing and reasoning about systems that are composed of multiple independent controllers. A central notion in this framework is that of a “conflict-tolerant ” specification for a controller. In this work we propose a way of specifying conflict-tolerant real-time controllers in Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL). We call our logic CT-MITL for Conflict-Tolerant MITL. We consider the associated verification and synthesis problems for CT-MITL and give decision procedures to solve them.

    Conflict-Tolerant Specifications in Temporal Logic

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    A framework based on the notion of conflict-tolerance was proposed in [1] as a methodology for developing and reasoning about systems that are composed of multiple independent features. In [1] the authors use annotated transition systems to specify conflict-tolerant features. In this paper we propose a way of specifying conflict-tolerant features in Temporal Logic, which is a specification language widely used in practice. We call our logic Conflict-Tolerant LTL or CT-LTL. We provide an algorithm for verifying whether a given feature implementation meets a specification given in our logic. The paper concludes by providing a constructive procedure for synthesising a finite-state feature implementation from a given CT-LTL specification